Monday, March 21, 2011

merch table masterpiece...

Here's a little peak at the super-cool-DIY-merch-table-light-up-sign that I made for Andrew's show at Jammin' Java yesterday!

Here is the before, it was the box my roller derby skates came in!

The next thing I did was print out his name in the same fonts I had used for and his stickers. I'm such a font whore this was a crucial step for me.

Then I cut out and traced his name onto the box using the print outs as stencils and carefully cut the lettering with a box cutter.

Almost done:

Add some white lights and you've got a finished product:

Check out the set up the day of the show:

We thought about painting the outside of the box black. it looks so cool in low lighting with out it, but as you can see here in a venue that isn't as dimly lit it looks a little silly with the skate logo on it. We're probably going to tweak the design a bit for the next show.

If you'd like to see a little day before the show performance check out this adorable sing-a-long!

Part of this idea was inspired by this project:

Let me know if you have any suggestions for improving the super-cool-DIY-merch-table-light-up-sign.

1 comment:

  1. I would paint the exterior a solid color and use wax paper or tissue paper to cover the letters & obscure the light source.
